Discretion in the use of unprotected materials is always advisable. There are times when something considered to be of no value may in fact be valuable. The Church work itself was, of course, greatly valuable. Sigmund Freud’s cap was valued at 100,000 Austrian Schillings, or $7,000. Apparently nothing is sacred, not even the cap of Freud. The Freud Museum in Vienna, which claims among its treasures the walking stick, handbag, and umbrella of Freud, found that thieves had been at work. Egon A. Weiss of the US Military Academy Library tells the story of the library which found that a New York City directory had been stolen. One ploy used by thieves is to request only materials that belong in portions of collections which are either unnumbered or unprocessed. This makes detection almost impossible, unless the thief attempts to dispose of the stolen items.