This chapter provides an analysis of the subsample of 311 while male offenders on all study dimensions. It assigns each offender to one of the four arrest history subgroups on the basis of the official arrest history data. The chapter examines each subgroup along the first two dimensions-sociodemographics and social psychological characteristics-utilizing the 1989 Georgia Driving Under the Influence (DUI) study data set. It describes each subgroup along the following six dimensions: self-concept and identities, life history and personal relationship problems, life-style, world view, drinking and driving patterns and attitudes, and reaction to criminal justice processing and the DUI label from our personal interview data. The offenses of the DUI Recidivists are alcohol related, those of the DUI and Traffic Offender are liquor and traffic related and petty in nature, and those of the Mixed Multiple Offender include a variety of serious but episodic offenses pitched at a low modus operandi level.