211The Campo Santa Anna the Opening of the Assemblea Geral—History of Events Succeeding the Acclamation of Dom Pedro II. The Regency—Constitutional Reform—Condition of Political Parties Before the Revolution of 1840 Debates in the House of Deputies—Attempt at Prorogation—Movement of Antonio Carlos—Deputation to the Emperor—Permanent Session—Acclamation of Dom Pedro’s Majority—The Assembly’s Proclamation—Rejoicings—New Ministry—Public Congratulations Real State of Things Ministerial Programme—Preparations for the coronation—Change of Ministry—Opposition Come into Power—Coronation Postponed—Splendor of the Coronation—Financial Embarrassments—Diplomacy—Dissolution of the Camara—Pretext of Outbreaks—Council of State Restoration of Order—Sessions of the Assembly—Imperial Marriages—Ministerial Change—Present Condition.