TThe Return of Nimrodhe new Pasha in Mosul, Ismail, was known as a liberal man, eager for reforms, and he expressed his interest in Layard's excavations when they first met after his return in the beginning of January 1846. There was accordingly reason for optimism, but certainly also major problems. The contract with Canning stipulated that Layard was to dig for two months, and that time had now passed without a new agreement being set up. It was first of all a matter of money, for Layard had to operate under such a limited budget that he was quite unable to make use of the opportunities which were so plain to see. Already before Christmas he had written to Canning to make him aware of the need for a resolution of the situation:

Indeed I hope that should your Excellency determine upon carrying on the excavation or induce the Government to do so, we shall be able to make such a collection of Assyrian antiquities as can never be equalled in Europe. 30