Newsweek labeled 1984 the 'year of the yuppie' in its December 13, 1984 issue, citing that group's increasingly higher visibility in politics and the marketplace. The magazine provided several criteria typifying Yuppies which include age, income and environment. This book includes the following insights they are a Yuppie is usually a White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant (WASP) however, there are numerous variations, such as the Gay Urban Professional (Guppie), Black Urban Professional (Buppie), and Hispanic Urban Professional (Huppie). A Yuppie will never eat or drink anything instant, wear permanent press garments or clothes made of synthetic fibers, pay cash, or cancel an hour of reserved court time. Yuppies speak the same language, frequently using words like 'minimalism', 'menu driven', 'world class', 'disc', 'mesquite', 'postmodern', 'wraparound mortgage', and 'beta endorphine'. The post-World War II generation was unique, however, given its proportionately substantial numbers and the healthy state of the American economy in general.