There was a time when the people seemed to have lots of time. Poets and sages have always noted that the moving finger writes and having writ, moves on. T. S. Eliot warns: “Hurry up please—it’s time.” Time has become a thief. It has stolen the people leisure and may even be eroding their civilization. Children, meanwhile, are overwhelmed by homework, make-work, extracurricular meetings, test scores, SATs, and class ratings. Attempting to be the world’s youngest pilot, seven-year-old Jessica Dubroff, sporting a pink “Women Fly” cap, rushed into fly-ing—and dying. The vision of the Internet as shared network, author William Gurley concludes, is nothing more than an academia-based egalitarian dream that is inherently unsustainable. Then, perhaps, the people can have new communities and real vacations.