In Bangladesh, three great rivers—the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna—converge to make one of the cradles of civilization. Few know much of the history and anguish of Bangladesh, the eighth most populated spot-on earth, and one of the poorest nations. A new battered nation—Bangladesh—came into being in 1971. A visitor to Bangladesh can never forget and never escape the rickshaws, called little taxis. In Bangladesh, there is misery and poverty, but no proletariat. One might learn the same lesson in a Bangladesh garbage dump—overnight. Change can itself invite chaos and revolution—recent events among Bangladesh’s neighbors in southeast Asia prove the point. While one is sitting in a comfortable American office with a high-speed computer, the idea of showering Bangladesh with our new technologies might seem to be an obvious blessing. Anyone who wants to see life on the dirt level—life in the raw—should come to Bangladesh.