Scene I: At the Clinic Nurse

Miss Gray? Have a seat right here. (girl sits down on top of a table)


(pulling up the girl’s sleeve) Okay, first I want to take your blood pressure. Okay? Fine. All right, now I want to ask you some questions. Have you been having sex?

Misty Gray

No, I have not.


Okay, Now why don’t you go in that room for your checkup and return back to this room when you’re done. We need you to give us a urine sample. Here (handing the girl a plastic cup and handi-wipe packet), take this into the bathroom and be sure to wipe yourself clean.

Misty Gray

(her hand shakes as she takes the items) Okay. (Misty Gray exits, then returns to the nurses station)

Misty Gray

I’m back.


Okay. Miss Gray, this test has come back and it says that you’re pregnant.

Misty Gray

What? No, how . . . that can’t be. How can I tell my mom this?


I can help you if you want me to.

Misty Gray

No, that’s okay . . . I can handle this myself.