This chapter reviews various water intervention cases to see how denying expert's subjectivity and power-knowledge relations presents technical rightness as if based on neutral laws, devoid of moral, cultural and political meaning. It examines how expert knowledge and systems contribute to standardizing water rights. The chapter shows, denying and externalizing local water norms and expanding new water needs only to be relieved by modern expert's knowledge is a fundamental scarcity generation mechanism. The Newspeak language is a common metaphor used for expert systems, argues that these systems go beyond ontologies or idioms alone. As soon as expert's knowledge and consultancy become a monologue an objectified language of universal reason about local water rights and practicesmore. In Andean water-policy modeling, expertocratization drives these new water rights definitions and modern mechanisms to value property. Thus the users come to accept that rationalizing water use and right's, advocated by all Andean countrie's laws and policies, replaces knowledge and morals.