This chapter reflects on a range of academic and theoretical views that ultimately impact upon the practice of the use of story within Dramatherapy or drama education. Talking about the Sesame approach, Houghman, who trains Dramatherapists at the Central School of Speech and Drama, describes: Hermes, as the god of borderlines, provides a useful metaphor for one to begin to think about the role of story within drama and Dramatherapy. The chapter explores central importance that story plays within drama and Dramatherapy. From their own perspective, a range of Dramatherapy, therapy, drama and academic theorists share similar ideas and arguments about the role that story plays. The alternative views impact upon how story is used pragmatically within an educational or therapeutic context. Story provides space around its edges, or liminal margins, where we can find alternative possibilities. It is this space, between the social and psychological, which drama educators and Dramatherapists may be able to explore together in the future.