The mutual suspicion between North and South dominated the UNCED forest negotiations and was a feature of the negotiations for the International Tropical Timber Agreement, 1994. At the Fourteenth Commonwealth Forestry Conference the Malaysian prime minister suggested that an intergovernmental task force on forestry be established under the aegis of the CSD to undertake consultations for the CSD's third session in 1995. The Intergovernmental Working Group on Forests (IWGF) was subsequently established, cosponsored by Malaysia and Canada. The criteria and indicators (C&I) process is the Working Group on Criteria and Indicators for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Temperate and Boreal Forests, also known as the Montreal process. The goal of the FSC is to promote environmentally-responsible, socially-beneficial and economically-viable management of the world's forests by establishing a worldwide standard of recognized and respected Principles of Forest Management.