During a conference in November 2012 on the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia's (ICTY) legacy in Croatia, the Tribunal's vice-President, Judge Carmel Agius, emphasized that, 'There is no peace without justice and justice means justice to everyone: perpetrators and victims'. There were widespread celebrations across Croatia, therefore, when, in November 2012, the Appeals Chamber overturned the Trial Chamber's verdicts against Gotovina and Markac. In 1998, during the surprisingly smooth process of 'peaceful reintegration' Croats began returning to Vukovar. In the same year, on the other side of the country, Serbs who had left Croatia during Operation Storm were slowly returning to Knin and the Krajina area. At the beginning of 2013, the Croatian government, led by Zoran Milanovic, announced plans to implement a constitutional law on the rights of national minorities, whereby Cyrillic would become an official script in municipalities where Serbs constitute more than one-third of the population.