The Memorandum of Association may, in the Case of a Company limited by Shares, and shall, in the Case of a Company limited by Guarantee or unlimited, be accompanied, when registered, by Articles of Association signed by the Subscribers to the Memorandum of Association, and prescribing such Regulations for the Company as the Subscribers to the Memorandum of Association deem expedient: Such Articles shall be expressed in separate Paragraphs, numbered arithmetically: They may adopt all or any of the Provisions contained in the Table marked A. in the First Schedule hereto: They shall, in the Case of a Company limited by Guarantee or unlimited and having a Capital divided into Shares, stale the Amount of Capital with which the Company proposes to be registered, and in the Case of any Company limited by Guarantee or unlimited and not having a Capital divided into Shares, the Number of Members with which the Company proposes to be registered, for the Purpose of enabling the Registrar to determine the Fees payable on Registration: In a Company having a Capital divided into Shares each Subscriber shall take One Share at the least.

Regulations to be prescribed by Articles of Association. 20 Vict c. 47. s.9