Achieving paradigm breakthroughs and being able to take advantage of them through successful commercialization of the ideas and innovation they produce can lead to rich rewards for those who bring them about. We introduce this chapter by looking at how a breakthrough scientific idea was achieved many years ago – unfortunately without bringing great riches to the person involved. This is followed by examining a number of techniques that have been tried out in recent times to achieve breakthrough ideas. Visualization, Symbolic representation and Rich pictures are all mechanisms that can support this kind of thinking. Two other mechanisms are also discussed: Wishful thinking and Role playing. Finally, we point to the benefits that disruptive technologies can bring for those who discover and commercialize them. Such break throughs reflect paradigm shifts or breakthroughs. The techniques can require a degree of divergent thinking though experience and knowledge of the subject matter is vitally important. As group creative problem-solving techniques, both of these qualities need to be present. In addition, a suitable skilful facilitator is a decided asset.