This introduction presents an overview of key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of the book. The book focuses on the education of the students about the Polish language, and Polish history and culture. Extensive cultural and historical commentary, along with a compendious glossary and grammatical commentary make this work suitable for the independent study of the student. Fully aware of how daunting the plunge into current Polish journalism, full of country-specific cultural code and abbreviations, can be for the non-initiated foreign reader even for one with a fairly advanced knowledge of the language. Journalistic texts range from the political, to the cultural, to the social, to the philosophical. Among subjects treated are: business, commerce, entrepreneurship, cinema, history, housing, work habits, the handicapped, ethnicities, marital life and futurology. The short stories in the literary category have been chosen above all on the basis of their readability, without making any attempt to give a representative picture of the Polish literary scene.