Information on almost any aspect of Polish current popular news and entertainment (tending at times toward the tabloid) may be found at the internet portal Wirtualna Polska (https://www.wp.pl), including reviews of current films. More specialist information on Polish cinema is archived at Film Web (https://www.filmweb.pl/). Here are reviews from these respective sites of two films that came out in 2011, followed by the decidedly mixed comments of viewers. Jerzy Hoffman’s 1920 Bitwa warszawska came out in 2011 to the accompaniment of much fanfare as the first Polish film shot in 3D, causing theatres around Poland to upgrade their projection equipment to be able to show it. Feliks Falk’s Joanna , set in war-time Kraków, came out in the same year. For their subject matter both films mine periods in history in which Poles had cause to fear for their continued national existence. They are sure to be available on DVD or on Netflix, enabling one to compare the actual films with the reviews and viewer comments. Polish film critics are notoriously unpredictable as to their likes and dislikes, and their sometimes vicious judgements often fly in the face of public opinion, as these reviews show. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315883724/f1ec34ee-0050-45f0-bb21-227ec0c07bdd/content/ufig9_1_B.jpg" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"/>