I wish I could tell you that now you’re ready to send your script out to any connections you may have — or to start cold calling agents and/or managers in hopes they’ll represent you. Unfortunately, you’re not quite ready to do that just yet. Most professional writers will tell you that probably 85 % of writing is rewriting. Which means you now need to do several more passes on your script to get it to the next level. I know, you’re probably rolling your eyes at me, thinking I’m wrong. Your script doesn’t need a rewrite. It’s darned good as it is. I’m sure you’re correct; your script is good. But in today’s competitive marketplace, “good” isn’t enough; it has to be perfect. Or as near perfect as you can get it. And not to be a negative Nellie, but I promise you that as you go through your first draft, you are going to find things that can be improved.