Human aging represents a triumph of humanity and the overcoming of myriad afflictions that have caused mortality for millennia. Aging is a multifaceted process determined by social and cultural factors in addition to biological functions. Old age is a socially constructed identity, similar to childhood and adolescence. Although aging can bring many opportunities, it is often associated with problems of health, quality of life, elder abuse, discrimination, exclusion, and isolation. Health risks increase with age. Contemporary approaches to older adults over-emphasize health and retirement rather than active participation and positive contribution. Although all human rights are the right of older adults, there is no comprehensive international human rights agreement specifically addressing older adults. A Convention on the Rights of Older Persons (CROP) would create the legal framework and support to promote and protect the rights of older adults in the world's increasingly aging communities. HelpAge International (HAI) defines itself as a global movement for the rights of older people.