As shown in chapter 2, Adam and Eve experience two of the possible types of psychic experience—vision and dream. Adam's vision takes place in a state of expanded awareness once the filters that attend waking consciousness are removed; and the vision, though it is described as externally enabled, arises from within him as a function of the fractal-like way in which a human being—or anything—contains the greater whole. The universe is “enfolded” within each of us (much like David Bohm's notion of the “implicate order”), and Adam's vision suggests that one can have access to all times and places if the “doors of perception are cleansed.” Or as Maureen Caudill writes, “Perhaps entering an altered state is merely a way of accessing the other dimensions of our own selves.” 1 Whereas Adam's vision exhausts him, Eve's dream takes place in the refreshing medium of sleep. In a sense, his experience depicts the conscious/masculine/active, whereas hers illustrates the unconscious/feminine/passive. But both vision and dream suggest that Adam and Eve carry with them an inner connection to the One Mind as they journey in the fallen world.