The efficacy of metaphorical interventions seemed to reach across cultural lines, bringing comfort to children, youth, families, and communities in times of need. The Story Play model began with the strength-based principles of Milton H. Erickson as its metaphorical taproot, the main anchoring root from which all other roots sprout. The Story Play therapist is also child-centered and can be directive in nature. The Story Play therapist is talking to the child's unconscious mind while he or she is absorbed in the play activity. Traditionally, play therapy has been primarily divided into directive and nondirective, or child-centered, approaches. Using directive approaches in play therapy, the therapist gives the child specific directions in play. The Bowl of Light story became one of the many Story Crafts offered to the children as one of the Natural Healing Activities after Hurricane Iniki. The children were told the story and then provided with self-hardening clay to form their own bowls of light.