This chapter focuses on deformations in the systems that carry vehicles and pedestrians and their effect on access. It begins by considering access networks for vehicles, access to-from through-street systems, and comparing congestion in first-tier and second-tier cities. Serious congestion problems accompanied the City of Denver's growth, not overall metropolitan growth. Beau Monde opened in an ideal geographic location just off a major north-south interstate highway in the growing and prosperous southeast sector of the metropolitan area next to the Denver Technology Center. Tamarac Square was the first specialty retail mall in Denver aimed at shoppers who did not like large, impersonal shopping centers. A report on sprawl in American cities by Ewing, Pendall and Chen cited the Denver metropolitan area as having one of the lowest measures of sprawl among urban areas of its size. Traffic congestion has been found to reduce worker productivity and increase shipment costs, which impact the competitiveness of metropolitan manufacturers and other businesses.