Smith (2007) employs Rapoport's three tiers of meaning to analyze messages inhering in urban form. As such communal places grew and as trading with peoples from other places developed, these pre-urban settlements would become difficult to manage, thus forcing new ways of coordinating settled life not successfully accomplished until almost the 3rd millennium BCE. Prospect and refuge have generated useful research applicable to urban streetscapes and rural landscapes, but the fundamental concepts in prospect-refuge theory are sometimes used inconsistently. Although permanent urban settlements have been around for over 5000 years, conditional settlements like these continue to provide refuge from the exterior environment in current pre- or nonurban societies. Spatial thought in the 19th and 20th centuries explored a variety of aspects of space to enable functioning in the increasingly complex spatial environment resulting from industrialization. Heidegger's spatial thought following World War II received widespread intellectual attention. Heidegger differentiates space into three different types: world-space; regions; and Dasein's spatiality.