FEW boys had happy memories of this school at Ipswich. The discipline was rigid, for Mr. Mosley was a martinet, and the recollections of his pupils are bounded by fines, floggings and the copying out of sermons. Such was the normal preparatory school of the period, and Mr. Mosley's was no exception to the rule. On one day of the year, however, discipline was relaxed. On the fifth of November he allowed fireworks in the garden : fireworks saved up from the accumulation of fines, which thus had a consoling side to them. Mr. Mosley's ignorance of fireworks was complete, but his pupils were adepts. George Liveing—in later years Professor of Chemistry at Cambridge—ventured to assure his master that rockets and catherine wheels would to a certainty go over the garden wall and cause trouble. “ I'll eat my hat if they do,” said Mr. Mosley. He had such a reputation for keeping his word, that one of his small pupils, believed him literally. The rockets did go over the garden wall; Mr. Mosley did not eat his hat and his small pupil's belief in him as a man of his word was shattered!