A common subject of Christian mediaeval legend is the inquest held on the soul immediately after death by angels and devils as a preliminary to final judgment. Graf, in Demonologia di Dante 560 and Batiouchkof, in Le dÉbat de l’Âme et du corps, 561 have analysed these legends, the main elements of which are the following:

Every soul has one or more angels and devils to guard and tempt it during life.

At death these angels and devils fight for possession of the soul.

Often the debate is conducted with the aid of two books, one recording the sins, and the other the virtues of the soul.

In other legends, the virtues and vices appear in person to bear witness.

Or again, the members of the body accuse the soul of the sins they committed.

The balance is also used to decide the debate.

Finally, the angels or devils carry off the soul to heaven or hell.