Produce of the chief branches of the revenue at the date of the Revolution, 1688. Repeal of the hearth-money. Settlement of the revenue. The special tax on sugar not continued. The Civil List of 600,000l. per annum. Civil List increased in 1698 to 700,000l. Expenses of the Revolution, the settlement of Ireland, and the war with France. The poll and capitation taxes. Tax on births, deaths, marriages, and bachelors and widowers. The property or land tax. New taxes on houses and hawkers. The Excise. Additional duties on the brewery. Tax on the distillery. Tax on salt. Tax on sea coal. Tax on glass. It is repealed as a failure. Tax on tobacco-pipes. Tax on malt. Tax on leather. Decrease in the yield of the customs. The imposts of 1690 and 1692. The duties on tonnage of shipping. Additional duties on French wine and goods The duty on whale fins. The new subsidy of 1698. Repeal of the export duties on woollen manufactures in 1700. The stamp duties. Tax on hackney coaches and stage coaches. Proposed tax on the Jews. Tax on the joint stock of the East India Company. RÉsumÉ. List of taxes in 1702.