ON the 6th (June) Sharpe arrived with 190 Atonga. This made our total of Atonga about 220. Of the Ajawa tribe we had some 50, as well as 50 wild Mambw£ from the Tanganyika plateau. Altogether wo had some 300 natives; and of these, roughly speaking, about one-third were armed with breechloaders, one-third with muzzle-loaders, and the remaining third were unarmed. While proceeding, Sharpe had fallen in with a caravan from Mlozi at Deep Bay, on its way to procure arms and powder from the Arabs on the east of the lake, and taking down slaves in exchange. He attacked it, and re - captured three slave girls, who were being sent for this purpose. A wretched little slave boy, being in a " gori-stick" and unable to run away, was accidentally shot by our own men. Much of his chest and arm was blown away, but under the care of Dr Cross he made a wonderful recovery, and the poor little skeleton gradually put on flesh and led a happy life in our stockade. Two of the girls, being Wankondd, I restored to their friends; the third, an Atonga, joined her own tribe.