I LIVED on the little island at Deep Bay, and spent my time in shooting on the mainland. On Dec. 23d, the day after the steamer had gone, messengers came running after me when I was roaming about with my rifle, to say that the enemy were upon us. I hastened back, not knowing whether my camp had been captured. I found on arrival that a large Arab dhow was lying to, out at sea, waiting for night to approach the shore. There was no doubt that she was hostile, for, had she been friendly, they would undoubtedly have sent messengers ahead to announce their arrival. Moreover, the native chief Mandovi now informed us that he had news that the Slavers thought there was now no European here, and intended to bring war, and re-occupy the island-ousting and killing the native garrison. Their arrival immediately the steamer was out of the way was a further confirmation. So I prepared to receive them.