It is a marvel how game, less thick-skinned than a rhino, can live in this inhospitable jungle. The delicate little pah gazelle, no bigger than a rabbit, its skin no thicker than a kid glove, bounds off like lightning among the aloes and the cacti. One looks to see it impaled like a butterfly on a pin; but Nature has taught her creatures to live with safety among their surroundings, though it is hard to gauge the reason for this prodigal wealth of vegetable armament, or to understand against what enemy its terrors are directed. Buffalo and rhinoceros swarm, tracks of elephant abound. Fresh footprints of zebra and many antelope, from the great water-buck to the tiny pah, show clear on the path we follow, but the denseness of the jungle rarely admits of our seeing the animals themselves. A magnificent lion walked across my front from the river's edge, where he had been to drink, but


he disappeared into the depths of the wood ere I could seize my rifle.