F R O M the time when, as a young subaltern in India, I spent every available day's leave in the jungles after tiger, bear, and deer; or galloped after the wild boar for "first spear" on an indifferent old screw,—the pursuit of big game has been a passion of my life. Those who have met and killed most of the dangerous game, such as elephants, rhinoceros, buffalo, lion, tiger, wild boar, leopard, and bear, cannot of course but have passed through some exciting scenes. I have not, however, left myself sufficient space to indulge in hunting reminiscences, and just now the reading and the listening world is being regaled with lion and elephant stories by a far mightier hunter than I, in the person of Mr Selous. To him, then, I will leave the description of " hair-breadth 'scapes," and confine myself for the most

part to a few notes on particular animals, which I hope may be useful as well as interesting.