THE matter of the outrage on the Protestants returning from Chagwe, which had so nearly led to war (p. 84), had blown over, and when the men sent to investigate it returned, they reported that no one had been killed, and only two wounded. Another matter on the 26th, when some Wa-Fransa were said to have surrounded the hut of a man of the " English" faction, was in process of investigation, as also a case in which the Pokino's (E.) people were reported to have resisted the orders of the king about a disputed estate. Evictions still took place on either side. The Wa-Fransa claimed to have had 100 ousted on one occasion, and the Wa - Ingleza had even a larger number. Zachariah told me privately that this was all nonsense : two had been turned out on the one side and three on the other; the rest were followers!