Probability implies there is a chance something happens or does not happen. It is binomial if there are only two possible outcomes. If you toss a coin you obtain heads or tails; if you gamble you win or lose; if you have a baby it will be a boy or girl; if you take a card from a pack it will red or black. In this binomial situation it does not mean there is a 50/50 chance of being right or wrong or a 50/50 chance of winning. If you toss a coin, you have a 50% chance of obtaining heads or 50% chance of throwing tails. If you buy one ticket in a fund raising raf f le, then you will either win or lose. If there are 2,000 tickets that have been sold you have only a 1/2000 or 0.05% chance of winning and a 1999/2000 or a 99.95% chance of losing! Counting rules, the last part of this chapter, forms the backbone to many phases of probability.