The wellbeing footprint is the total picture of all the positive and negative effects of an organization along the value chain from suppliers to consumers. A strategy for wellbeing is outlined that raises the life satisfaction of all these stakeholders through three means: secure employment that contributes something to society, improving physical and mental health, and fortifying relationships.

Innovation is transformed by baking social outcomes into the R&D processes. Design for wellbeing uses the science of happiness as the lens for solutions, particularly creating experiential products. Business models are redesigned to put life-changing products and services into the hands of as many people who might benefit as possible.

A strategy for life enhancement must be broad and deep: touching a range of stakeholders and changing life substantively. This creates a self-reinforcing circle as more optimistic suppliers, employees, customers and communities boost the wellbeing of others.

Business is ultimately about generating a return for shareholders through creating value for customers. A better understanding of what really creates human value can make brands more successful. The future will not be about whether your business is zero-carbon, or ethical, or sustainable. It will be about whether you are enhancing life through a positive wellbeing footprint.