This chapter starts by examining the physiological functions of the endocrine system, especially the regulation of blood glucose, the function of the thyroid gland and the hormonal regulation of the female reproductive cycle. We then consider disorders and pathologies associated with the endocrine system including diabetes, osteoporosis, post-menopausal symptoms and thyroid disorders. Finally we investigate the pharmacology, the action of the major drug groups used in the treatment of key endocrine disorders, for contraceptive purposes and reproductive dysfunction.

280This chapter is organised slightly differently from previous chapters. Normally we would discuss the physiology of a system, followed by associated disorders and finally the drugs used to treat those disorders. The endocrine system, however, is not a tightly integrated system like the nervous system. The various hormones discussed in this chapter, although contributing to general homeostasis, are not closely related and control different physiological processes. As a consequence, their associated pathologies affecting blood glucose, bone, reproduction and thyroid function are also not interrelated (other than being associated with the endocrine system). Therefore, to make this chapter more coherent, we will group the pathologies and drugs into separate, discrete topics.

As usual, the chapter contains some brief case studies and finishes off with self-test questions to enable you to ensure that you have understood the physiology of the endocrine system, associated disorders and the pharmacology of drugs used to treat those disorders. The chapter also discusses one of the most commonly prescribed groups of drugs in the UK – hormonal contraceptives. While on the subject of reproduction, we will also visit drugs used to treat sexual dysfunction in men.