Chapter 7 opens by arguing that, to find success with Integrated Digital Marketing (IDM), the organization must first Define its values, goals, and message and use these to Establish an integrated online and offline presence. The chapter goes on to introduce a number of tactics and tools marketers can use to Define and Establish their brand over all digital channels. The first tactic is to clarify the brand's core values. This is necessary for building an authentic, purposeful brand, attracting prospects, converting customers, creating stakeholder loyalty, and ensuring the organization's long-term sustainability. The second tactic is to define specific business goals that are well thought out and reflect the organization's future direction. The third tactic is to shape the organization's brand message by building stakeholder personas, understanding brand properties (brand essence, voice, and promises), performing a content audit, and creating a succinct value proposition. After clarifying values, setting business goals, and crafting the brand message, the next step is to Establish an online presence to relay the organization's brand message in an effective manner. This is accomplished by choosing a content management system and creating a dynamic brand website, developing a mobile app, and setting up a presence on all relevant social channels. The chapter concludes by reviewing the top ten social media channels, which will be referenced further throughout the book.