Chapter 10 presents the fourth and final step of the Integrated Digital Marketing (IDM) Strategic Model, how to Measure and Refine the organization's IDM efforts. To find success with IDM, the organization must consistently and judiciously evaluate all tactics and tools to measure actual outcomes against expected performance. Practitioners of a successful IDM strategy not only measure the performance of all tactics and tools but also use those insights to Refine future IDM initiatives. The first tactic is website performance management, which encompasses a number of popular website benchmarks such as website load time, unique visitor traffic, repeat visitors, direct and organic traffic, inbound links, landing page conversion, bounce rate, keyword performance, and organic search conversion rates. Tools include a rundown of various free and paid website analytics software. The second tactic is mobile app performance management, which includes a review of several mobile app key performance indicators and revenue metrics. The third tactic is social performance management. Tools include social media management metrics, social monitoring and listening, and social media analytics. The fourth and final tactic is marketing performance management (MPM), which refers to a set of technologies and services that enable businesses to Measure and Refine marketing campaign performance. Tools include popular MPM key performance indicators, such as cost per lead, marketing qualified leads generated, marketing-generated sales qualified leads, customer retention rate, and marketing return on investment.