Chapter 4 outlines the core components of the Sustainable Marketing Normal, a new strategic model that lays the foundation for the Digitally Integrated Organization. One of the best ways to understand the Sustainable Marketing Normal is to trace its evolution from the 4Ps (product, place, price, promotion), the traditional marketing model that served as the guiding force in marketing for more than 50 years. The next iteration of the 4Ps was Marketing 2.0, which reflected the changes brought about by the widespread use of the internet and social media. Marketing 2.0 introduced a “fifth P,” participation, for which communication is two-way and open engagement drives the marketplace. The final iteration of the 4Ps is the Sustainable Marketing Normal, a values-driven marketing model for the digital age that incorporates a “sixth P,” purpose, to grow customer loyalty and advocacy and achieve sustainable outcomes for all stakeholders. The traditional core components of marketing (e.g., market segmentation, branding, product design, sales process and measurement, and consumer behavior) have fundamentally changed with the rise of digital marketing.