The difficulties are serious enough to stagger not only Darwin, but humanity itself, and indeed whoever reads the “Origin” with the power of consecutive reasoning at all. Without illimitable time at his disposal, Darwin’s theory of “Natural Selection” collapses at once, and he himself admits it. Darwin himself is doubtful, whether Nature is willing to extend him all the time he requires. Darwin would be the first to deny that a variety of living organisms so diverse as sheep, pigs, goats, lions, and tigers sprang immediately from the parent protoplasm of all life. If he were to concede that, his theory of Natural Selection would be unmeaning. Darwin entreats the geological record to give him its support, but the record can only answer with recorded facts, or what the Lord has put in its mouth. A great deal of Darwin’s argument in his chapter on Transitional varieties hinges on the meaning given to the word “link.”.