It is told by the Krachi that in the beginning of days Wulbari and man lived close together and Wulbari lay on top of Mother Earth. Established in his new setting Wulbari formed a court in which the animals were chief attendants. Everything seems to have run smoothly for a time until one day Anansi, who was the Captain of the Guard, asked Wulbari if he would give him one corn cob. One night he reached Kpandae and went and saluted the chief from whom he begged a night's lodging. This was readily granted and Anansi, being tired, soon retired. But Anansi did not sleep. As soon as he heard every one snoring he arose and took his fowl and went outside the village and there sacrificed the poor bird. Anansi at last said that possibly Wulbari would forgive them if they gave him a sheep to take to Yendi.