Peter Francis Saville was born on October 26th, 1946 in Wembley, north west London. Peter was born with congenital scoliosis, a curvature of the spine. From 6 months old he was treated at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London. School performance continued to improve, leading Peter to be noticed by the Surrey Education Authority. Peter was entered into Ewell High School’s grammar screen. Selected from children across Surrey, he shone at mathematics, physics, English literature and sports. Peter settled for an arts pathway but managed to find his way back to science and mathematics through the study of psychology, as a psychometrician. Eventually, curiosity about psychology, a subject he had never come across before, brought Peter to the college library. By 1977 work was coming in directly to Peter thick and fast, from organisations asking him to undertake psychological assessments and provide training in psychological testing. Peter, the father of occupational psychology, is often credited with starting a whole new industry.