Publicly-traded agribusinesses may be defined as those that trade on the open market. Investing in equity funds or individual stocks of listed agribusinesses is clearly the logical way to gain access to the sector whilst retaining liquidity. Designing and maintaining an investment strategy that included Grain Corp would therefore involve, inter alia, an understanding of grain and the animal feed market, oilseeds, the capital position of Zen-Noh and the Canadian market. Social responsibility is a double-edged sword so far as fund investment in agribusiness is concerned. The large diversity of investors and high degree of complexity of financial investments further complicate efforts to discern who bears the burden of responsibility in practice. Relevant to both local and international investors alike, is the important distinction between investing in commodities and in agribusiness. Investors tend to group all commodities together, but soft commodities dance to a different tune compared to bulk or base metals or energy prices.