This chapter investigates and extends the dialogue of affects’ influence upon architectural practice through Shigeru Ban Architects and the Christchurch Transitional Cardboard Cathedral project, where stuttering matters-in-process mediate the disruption of an architectural becoming’s temporality. Through a materiality-focussed account of affect, this chapter attends to the capacity of matter-in-process, specifically the cardboard paper tubes, to actively participate in the becoming-architecture as it traverses through the design process and continues to evolve long after the conceptual design stage. The chapter first outlines the recent academic discourse on new materiality and matter-in-process relational to affect studies, particularly ambiguous affects of affective disorientation through restless stutterings. The becoming-architecture follows through the events of: Designing and making; Assembling and constructing; and Living in and inhabiting. This is juxtaposed with a multitude of agendas that is the human situation, be they socio-political, socio-economic, gender, secular, or religious, coupled with challenges arising between human and non-human materialities. By tracing these events and happenings as they unfold, the chapter affirms a disruptive temporality of practice for a theory of affect.