‘Dyslexia’ and ‘inclusion’ are terms that have international currency but can both be misunderstood. Every country is striving towards an inclusive education system and many claim that they cater for dyslexia. Dyslexia and inclusion can be seen as challenging concepts for many in schools and developing an education system that successfully caters for both at the same time is quite an accomplishment. Teaching and specific strategies used in mainstream education for children with dyslexia are usually adapted and differentiated so that the student with dyslexia can benefit from mainstream classroom teaching. Learners with dyslexia can display different types of profiles and this can be confusing for teachers who may see two dyslexic children but each has a different profile and different challenges. ‘Dyslexia’ is a term that is frequently used in schools and in the wider community – yet is also a term that many would admit is surrounded by some uncertainty.