In this chapter, we will explore why Purpose – working for the greater good – has come to the fore in society as well as business, and the role it plays in our personal lives and work.

If you are well versed in the Purpose topic, I hope you will still read this section and hopefully find some new insights, as it is becoming increasingly clear that there is a major shift going on in our society.

Purpose suddenly seems to be everywhere, and companies large and small are looking at incorporating ‘Purpose’ into their businesses. This is due to several trends converging to create this situation:

Humanity is at a unique point in history in terms of our collective ability to understand and act on the issues that face us.

Society is expecting business to be involved in solving societal issues.

Employees want to be engaged in their work and feel it has meaning .

As we age we wish to ‘give back’ and make the world a better place for coming generations.

We will cover each of these aspects in turn, starting with the human need for meaning beyond ourselves, and building the picture through business to the ongoing shift in society.

We will see how this point in time is pivotal, and that our actions over the next decade are crucial for where society and civilisation is heading. More of the same thinking and acting will not solve our world’s issues.

We need to create a new point of view, a new consciousness, from where to create new solutions and fresh approaches.