The effects of climate change on sea levels in certain parts of the world are possible to anticipate – this was part of the power of Al Gore's Nobel Prize-winning film An Inconvenient Truth. In the United Kingdom, there have been a series of government campaigns with the intention of promoting pro-environmental behaviour by changing the public's perception of climate change. The World Wildlife Fund campaign was run on television, and it also appeared as a print advert. The theme of the ad was clear: associate 9/11 with the tsunami, using the process of classical conditioning, so that the less familiar tsunami would acquire some of the classically conditioned shock and fear response of the much more familiar 9/11. In 2010, Act on CO2 launched their 'Bedtime Story' ad. Another magazine campaign, commissioned by 'Act on CO2,' parodied certain nursery rhymes, illustrating them with doomed images to portray the negative effects of climate change.