Australian outlaw biker expert Arthur Veno opines, ''Violence is central to club life. The definition of spontaneous expressive acts includes collateral damage—injury and deaths—occurring to citizens, or those who come into contact with a ''bad'' outlaw biker acting out of impulsive or irrational motives fueled by alcohol or other drugs. Outlaw bikers have a known low threshold for violent reactions to any slight or signs of disrespect. Civil society exists when lawful or social rules are adhered to, but that is not true for outlaw bikers. Public random outlaw biker violence affects anyone in the vicinity. Outlaw bikers can be dangerous and violent to anyone who intentionally or accidentally comes into contract with them, especially when they are fueled by alcohol or other drugs. Domestic violence is a form of outlaw biker spontaneous expressive acts; however, there is limited research on the effects on women and children in the biker culture.