The India-Pakistan antagonism would never have reached certain heights but for the simmering tension between China and India. China won the battle combining offensive action with surprise where as Indian Army was bewildered and was at a fix merely waiting far onslaught of enemy. Situation was rolling rapidly but India's strategy was static. It could not cope with the changing situation. Procedural delays and short sighted planning mauled the higher direction of war. The Indo-China border dispute is legacy of our history. The border was undemarcated, unfinalized by Britishers till 15 August 1947. It is easy to understand the ambition of the Dogras and Nehru but it was not easy to understand China's state and society. Deng had reiterated that China believed in a peaceful rise and had been reluctant to take strong positions but Xi administration is not only proactive in foreign policy but also aggressive when it comes to Japan and India who are traditional rivals of China.