Annexed to both were authoritative maps carrying the legend 'boundary undefined' for the entire western sector and continued eastwards till it reached the trijunction of the borders of India, China and Nepal. In 1912, the Indian government feared that the outbreak of the Chinese Revolution would provide an opportunity for the Russian advancement in Sinkiyang, endangering the security of the area up to main Tibet. Apart from the Partition, the multiple maps and the failure of resolution in a border with China left India with a legacy that it is still trying to justify. The study of the survey of India maps published in the early 1930s reveals that: All political maps of India before 1954 showed the Northern Boundary extending from Kashmir to Nepal as undefined; and North-Eastern Frontier was shown as undemarcated. These also includes: Since 1954, the Survey of India maps were changed; and the alteration of maps was done surreptitiously and arbitrarily.