Tibet is locked by towering mountains. The Tibetan plateau is the highest in the world at an average height of 4,000 m. It has an area of more than 1.2 million sq km and a population of 18.5 million; 16.5 million are ethnic Tibetans and rest are Huis, Moinbas, Lhobas and Hans. The Tibetan region and its study is still fascinating to the modern world. There has always been restricted intercourse of some kind between Tibet and India. Tibet was a secluded country in the remote hinterland of the Himalayas, vaguely aware of the world, living in peace and meditation. Tibet is in the thoughts of Indians, representing thousands of years of association. Manasarovar and Kailash are abodes of sanctity, peace and salvation. In the 1914 Simla Convention, Ivan Chen of China, Longchen Shatra of Tibet and McMahon of British India met and drew up an agreement on the Tibet-India and Tibet-China borders which the Chinese failed to ratify.