Interjections belong primarily to the spoken language, and less to formal written language. Interjections are a varied group, including response particles and reactions in conversation, words of greeting, words of emotion, onomatopoetic words, and swearwords, among others. Many speakers of Norwegian have adopted a number of interjections from English, such as: Yes! Wow! Not all of these are used by all Norwegians, however. The interjections ja, ‘yes’ and nei, ‘no’ correspond well to their English counterparts. Interjections may be used to express feeling. Interjections expressing negative feeling include. Interjections can also serve a more pragmatic purpose in a conversation. Typically convey the speaker’s feelings, fy is directed more towards someone else. Fy is the prototypical interjection to tell a dog that it has misbehaved. Some interjections can take part in word formation, however. From the point of view of interaction, it is good to know the function of basic response particles.