The principle of theoretical autonomy of the two hundred and sixty domains and the consequent lack of uniformity which characterised the classes, rank and occupational structures of individual domains from Edo downwards is clearly evident within the Choshu han itself. The rank and occupational systems of the main Choshu Domain at Hagi were separate, but functionally interdependent. In 1715, an incident known as the Mannyaku Jiken occurred in which a minor Tokuyama samurai cut down a family of three farmers from the Hagi domain found removing timber from a piece of disputed territory. The warrior classes at Hagi were divided into two major groups. The first group included senior and middle-ranking warriors who were listed individually in the ‘Bungencho’ by name, with status and amount of stipend. The second group, which included foot soldiers, servants and craftsmen of the samurai class, were listed by grouping and rarely by name, and listed in the Mukyucho, rather than the Bungencho.